
SMS - MMS Text Marketing
Call Now 888.673.7573

Did you know SMS/ MMS Text marketing is one of the most successful marketing and communications strategies? It’s being leveraged by companies around the world for a multitude of factors proved by facts.

You provide the list of your clients names and cell phones and we will do the rest. Test messaging and marketing is great for making announcements, sales, discounts, or gathering reviews.

Anything you want your existing clients to know about your business, we can help you with SMS/ MMS Text Messaging. Call Now 888-673-7573

What is SMS and MMS marketing?

SMS (Short Message Service) marketing is simply using text messages as a communication channel to disperse promotional campaigns and timely notifications.

Typically, SMS marketing efforts revolve around time-sensitive offers, like short-term sales and promotions, or urgent updates, like appointment reminders.

Those who receive SMS marketing messages have consented to receive them from the business. Under the CAN-SPAM Act, the FCC has made it illegal to send unwanted text messages. It’s also illegal to send any message Text Marketing Local Media Solutionsthat isn’t clearly identifiable as an advertisement.

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) marketing is a method of mobile advertising that uses Multi Media such as images, videos, audio and text to send enhanced text messages. It’s the smarter, stronger, splashier cousin of SMS marketing.

The main difference between SMS and MMS messages is the type of content you can send. With SMS, everything you’re including has to be plain text and fit within 160 characters. (With extended SMS, you can send up to 306 characters.) MMS allows you to send images, videos, audio, and GIFs.  You can write up to 1,600 characters in a single message

SMS MMS Text Marketing Local Media Solutions

Here are some statistics that prove SMS/MMS marketing is a valuable resource to invest in:
See More Details - Source Luisa Zhou

The State of Mobile Advertising

  • 33% more people have access to mobile phones than to toilets (Adobe)
    Yes, you read that correctly. An estimated 5 billion people send and receive SMS messages every day and over 6 billion have access to phones. That’s about 65% of the world’s population, meaning 33% more people can send a text than can use indoor plumbing.
  • Over 80% of the total North American population uses text messaging (Infocision)
    More than 8 in every 10 Americans send and receive text messages. That’s over 292 million people! This proves that SMS marketing may reach some of the largest demographics possible compared to other channels.
  • Recent data shows 61% of marketers still don’t use SMS marketing (SlickText)
    Gain an advantage over your competitors. Well over half (61%) of marketers don’t use SMS marketing in their current strategies. However, 73% of business plan to expand their budgets for text messaging marketing soon.
  • Only 35% of brands have a formal SMS messaging strategy in place (SlickText)
    Of the few brands are using SMS marketing, the majority doesn’t have a plan. 65% of brands admit that they do not have a formal strategy in place. This gap provides a huge opportunity for businesses looking to experiment with SMS marketing, especially since they can likely beat their competition.
  • About 33% of marketers expect to prioritize mobile loyalty program next year (SlickText)
    SMS marketing is widely used for sharing coupons, events and other benefits as part of their SMS loyalty programs. Approximately one third of marketers plan to prioritize launching mobile loyalty programs sometime next year.

What is the success rate of TEXT marketing?

  • 90% of consumers respond to a text with 30 minutes of receiving it (EZ Texting)
    A survey revealed that about 9 in every 10 consumers respond to a text in just a half hour. Meanwhile, half of them respond within 3 minutes! SMS is highly successful compared to sales calls with a lead-conversion rate of 15% or cold calling at 1%.
  • The average open rate for text message marketing is 98% (Crazy Egg)
    Research shows that nearly every marketing text message sent is opened—but, there’s more. As many as 45% of people reply to SMS marketing messages, allowing brands to start a real-time conversation with consumers. For comparison, email marketing campaigns have an open rate of less than 20% (more on that later).
  • Over 50% of consumers make a purchase after a marketing text (AM Consumer Report)
    A remarkable 51% of consumers are more likely to make a direct purchase if they receive an SMS message that includes an ad, discount coupon, or QR code. SMS marketing messages that include images and media also convert higher. 33% of consumers don’t mind the nature of the SMS, as long as its content is relevant to them.
  • 96% of marketers report using text messages helped them drive revenue (Attentive Mobile)
    A report revealed that almost 96% of marketers who leveraged SMS marketing said it has helped them drive more revenue. Meanwhile, almost 60% said texting has “significantly” or “overwhelmingly” increased revenue generation.
  • Texted coupons are redeemed 10x more often than traditional coupons (Adobe)
    A study showed that coupons sent via SMS are redeemed 10 times more often. This huge conversion rate is based on a survey that showed 32% of SMS recipients responded to SMS offers.
  • 91% of consumers are interested in receiving texts from businesses (AM Consumer Report)
    Over 91% of customers want to get SMS messages from businesses. Almost 56% already receive texts from businesses while almost 25% say they would subscribe for the right brand. Less than 10% of consumers are not interested in this form of communication.
  • An estimated 64% of SMS subscribers feel “curious” toward new texts (EZ Texting)
    How do consumers feel when they receive a text from a company? The majority of 64% report feeling curious about brand texts. Other emotions include 27% being happy, 23% feeling excited, 17% experiencing anxieity, and just 15% feeling annoyed.
  • Most consumers (58%) of customers say texting is the best way to reach them (Business Wire)
    Almost 60% of consumers think texting is the best way for brands to communicate with them. These consumers also reported that the most valuable types of texts received from businesses were appointment reminders (64%), shipment/delivery updates (48%), and discounts (29%).
  • 56% of consumers say “texting is a way to reach me no matter where I am” (EZ Texting)
    This number is up from 2021 to 2022, since last year just 47% had this same response. In 2022, 50% of respondents said “texting is a faster way to reach me,” and 43% agreed that “texting is a more efficient way to communicate.”
  • SMS marketing lists have 10x value over email marketing lists (Mobile Marketing Watch)
    It turns out that having a customer’s phone number and opt-in permissions is 10x more valuable to marketers than collecting an email address. That means 100,000 SMS subscribers is equal to 1 million email addresses!
  • SMS open rates average around 82%, while email open rates are about 21% (Shift & Mailchimp)
    Recent data shows that text messages can yield an average open rate of up to 95%. According to one study, 82% of text message recipients read every single message they receive. Meanwhile, the average open rate for emails across industries is 21.33%.
  • Less than 5% of SMS subscribers ever unsubscribe, while 20% of email subscribers leave every year. (Text Request)
    One study showed that less than 5 in every 100 SMS marketing subscribers ever opt out. Considering more than 20% of email subscribers leave every year, SMS marketing has a much higher retention rate than email marketing.
  • ending a text follow up to an email increased open rates by 20-30% (Adobe)
    In many ways SMS performs better than traditional email marketing—but it can also enhance it. A report revealed that by sending the follow up text message, “Have you read our email?” it increased the email’s open rates by 20-30%.

Has your company experienced any of these benefits from being text ready?

If NOT Call Us: 888.673.7573 (The Call is Free, But Our Advice is Priceless)

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